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Journal Enteries


I created a survey within survey monkey in order to get feedback on my layer poster. I used its free version in order to get peoples opinions on what I could do better next time. So I'm able to see what peoples honest opinion on my work so I can see what to do better next time. I uploaded it to Facebook so that hundreds of people can have a chance to see it so I can have plenty of results so I'm able to get a better understanding within what i need to understand and improve. Question one asked the reader if the first impression the poster gave you was excellent, very good, good, fair or poor. 33% of people said that it gave a good excellent impression and because i put it up on Facebook i was expecting that could be to do with close friends of mine being bias so i can't tell how reliable that information but the exact same percentage was saying very good and only a little less were saying good so it's clear that the feed back was mostly positive. There was one person to say fair but that doesn't imply good nor bad and there was no negative responses. But it does show room for improvement to get my work up to excellent. I should next time uploaded somewhere where i wont get bias feedback 


Question two was how well was the text to the subject matter. I was curious on the feedback I would get on this question because I asked Jess, my photography lecturer about what I could improve in my poster and she recommended changing the text to something what stands out more and is more "bold". But i took the text fro my advert so that it has a similar feel to the poster as the advert. So while making my advert Julian helped me with the font I was using and he was happy with it so I was confused when Jess asked me to use another type so i wanted people feedback on and while their was no bad feedback 40% of people said it was very well suited while 26% of people said it was excellent. So there was room for improvement. 34% said somewhat suited so a lot of people were torn. Next time I will do more research into posters and how they look and get more of people opinions on it before finishing it. 


Question 3 was a more simple question and asked the reader how could I improve it and this question I let people right down in a comment box so I can hear it in their own words. Quite a lot of people didn't give good feedback. Even though most of it was nice such as smiling faces  and saying there's nothing to improve, its good or don't know. That's not helping me to improve my work and learn about my mistakes, that was the reason i made this survey was to learn about my weak spots. Which is why i left it anonymous so people can say whatever they want and not have to worry about it and 3 of them were inappropriate so it's pointless going into too much detail about those but i did get some good feedback. Someone said about blending the image and the text into the back ground and I can understand that to  make it more of one big image but the text I it made stand out to make it easier to see  and the image I wanted it to stand out to grab anyone who passes by attention. Someone else also said I should aim it at both genders rather than just men but I aimed it at men because of the statistic that 77% of people who OD are men and that's why i aimed it mostly at men because it's clear that by that number men are more clearly the target audience I am wanting to reach. Someone else thought the layar logo in the corner ruined it and while it doesn't look like it has a purpose to someone who doesn't know what layar is but by having that on the poster it shows that it's tied to augmented reality and even though it might not look good I added it so people might scan it with the layar app and see the link I put with it if I payed for layar. Someone also mentioned a spelling mistake in it with the word related, it was misspelled. Next time I'll make sure to have a lecturer spell check it because I asked a class mate of mine and she didn't notice and neither did I until it was pointed out to me. Something I a lot of people mentioned is that there was no drugs in the advert and that the  cigarette should've been light. Which I was confused at first because it wasn't a cigarette and was drugs rolled up. I'm assuming a lot of people don't know what a spliff looks like and that's the only reason I can understand what people are getting confused about but I could of used a different image to show it better. I thought it was best to use the best image i could to make it more appealing to I asked my photography lecturer and she said that image but maybe if i showed a picture of a bong or another related drug image it could've looked better. I also talked to a psychology student to see if they could help me make people feel what I want them to feel by seeing my poster and also to get feedback. We talked about the use of colour within my poster and how i tried to use blue to make the audience feel. Her suggestion was to use a darker shade of blue would've worked better and that grey might've worked as well. I agreed with that and i definitely could have experimented more and will take that feedback onto my next work. 


Question 4 asked the reader if the point got across. I asked this question because a lot of people who saw my ant drug advert didn't get the point as easy as i thought they would. So in this project I really wanted to make sure that didn't happen again so I asked people if the point did get across. The results were mostly positive. 0% of people pressed not at all or not so. Most of them said extremely, almost 50%. The other highest way "very" at 33% meaning even if all of the first option were bias it shows that the others aren't and are still positive. Only a small percentage said somewhat which I'm really curious on getting those peoples opinion but It does seem the point did get across even though a number of people didn't recognise the drugs within the image.. But the text of the poster does mention that you can get help related to drugs and drug related facts so I made it as clear as I can that it's a poster for an anti drug website. 


Question 5 asked does the poster make the reader want to visit When I do this next to gather information I'll have to remember to phrase my questions differently. Such as in this question I should've written "if you were in the situation with drugs would you want to visit after seeing the poster". Because not many people actually need to visit an anti drug advert. So because of how I phrased it a lot of people couldn't answer honestly. The amount of people who said yes and no had almost exactly the same amount of percentage and because of the way I wrote that it's not that reliable of information. With 45% of people saying maybe  it's obvious that the way I wrote the question confused a lot of people. 


Question 6 I asked if the readers thought the poster look professional and the results were very mixed. Some people said very profession but also the same amount said somewhat professional. Its hard to tell who are bias and who aren't but I can understand that it might not look professional and I believe next time I'll use more comment boxes to get more peoples responses in their own worlds and a lot more research could've helped as well. I did research into augmented realty but the research I did into poster design wasn't anywhere on par with the one I did on augmented reality so I know where I can improve next time. One person also said it didn't look professional but since it was only one person and I had a lot of weird comments in the comment boxes so I don't know how reliable that is but if it is then it means I should've done more research into poster design. 


Question 7 asked the reader if the poster makes you want to watch the anti drug advert I made. A lot of people said somewhat which after looking back at my advert and poster there is no mention of drugfreeworld within my advert which is a massive mistake on my part, so except of the picture and the text it's very unclear that the two are related and this makes the statistic of someone voting for not so to the question makes sense and I understand it a lot more than in other questions. The other ones I believe could be bias but I now know I should've made the two more similar to make the connection more clear because the poster is just as much to advertise the advert as it is for the website. 



Question 8 the reader if they know what augmented reality is. I did add another augmented reality question but you have to pay if you have too many questions so I had to skip that question and have to have it removed. This question has all sort of information about it. 5% of people said they never heard of it. 15% said not really. 20% said they don't really know. 33% said they have a basic understanding of what it is. 26% said have a very good understanding. So I get to see how many people actually know what it is. But since a lot of people have seen it are my friends it's more than likely I've mentioned it to them or they're media students. When I do this next I'll need to find another place to post it to get to understand how people really think rather getting any sort of bias. 


Question 9 is the last question and I asked if people scanned if with the layar app and a lot of people said no mostly because they didn't know what layar is or have never heard of it and its what I expected it. Some people said yes but that could've been classmates. The second highest amount of votes were on that no one knew what it was which is what i expected, I was just seeing how many people knew layar and more people know than I was expecting. Ways I could improve this is by uploading it to a different site for people who aren't bias to get it. and I need to phrase my questions better so that no one is confused during it and I get the best replies as I can to get better feedback. 

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Developing Photoshop skills

The image to the side to this text is the poster I am trying to make. I am only missing the text which is what I have left to add into it. The skills I have been using are c basic. I have used a image I took while I was making the advert to make a connection between the advert and the poster. The text will be the same as the one within my advert to further the connection. The title is the company I of the website I am advertising, which I didn't add within my final advert. The skills like moving and altering the size of images and adding text are all basic skills but I altered the image to have a main colour of blue so that the colour scheme will match what I want it to do and so I can use colour psychology to make people feel what I wanted them to feel. 





Images of anti drug posters 

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